Joe’s OkCupid

Joe okcupid

My self-summary

I’m a junior at the University of Minnesota in the honors IT department, looking to major in computer science. In my spare time, I work on building websites, fixing computers, and anything else of the sort. I go to Roseville Lutheran Church, and consider spirituality to be very important in any long term relationship. Aside from computers and technology, I enjoy music (I play the Alto Saxophone, among other things, in concert band and jazz band), relaxing, and just plain having fun!

I am looking for someone who is religious (definitely Christian, preferably Lutheran or similar), kind, caring, adventurous, and likes to have a good time together! I believe it’s important to not hold back from taking any risks in life, because the unknown brings excitement and passion to life! Oh, and I think tattoos are ugly.

for fun:
A swing dancing trip to the Wabasha Street Caves can be fun. I enjoy basketball games, especially men’s b-ball at the U of M for which I play in the pep band. Biking around is a great way to spend a nice day.

my job:
Aside from being a student at the University of Minnesota, I do a lot of website work, Geek-Squad-type work on my own for various clients, and manage the technology infrastructure / website at my church (Roseville Lutheran).

my religion:
Lutheran — I’ve gone to Roseville Lutheran Church my whole life.

favorite hot spots:
My absolute favorite place was Hawaii, followed up by the numerous national parks I’ve visited on family vacations. But, for something more local, the U of M arboretum is very nice, as well as Roseville’s Central Park.

favorite things:
I play alto saxophone in a couple concert bands throughout the year, plus pep band for men’s basketball at the U of M and a jazz band at my church.

I am computer savvy, musical, and hard working. Our family’s website is

What I’m doing with my life

I’m trying to maintain my sanity as I work full time, go to school, and ensure that all the computers and websites keep running that I manage.

I’m still playing alto sax the men’s basketball pep band at the U of M.

I hold several part-time computer/website jobs and enjoy working. If I’m not busy doing anything, odds are you’ll find me working away.

I’m really good at

Whatever I put my mind to doing. Computers, web development, technology in general….

The first things people usually notice about me

While I am pretty quiet outwardly, I’m always thinking and observing. Most people consider me smart, but I don’t know about that…

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food

Phantom of the Opera is my favorite movie! Followed by Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia

Chuck!!!! I love Chuck! Big Bang Theory, Glee, Amazing Race

Other than textbooks, Harry Potter #7 was the last thing I read. Yeah, yeah…. I know it took me forever to get around to reading it! I also really enjoyed the Lord of the Rings books when I read them years ago.

My library of music consists of movie soundtracks, Broadway musicals, Disney, Classical, and Christian. When in the car, I often turn on 98.5 KTIS.

The six things I could never do without

the internet, computers, technology, church, love, family.

I spend a lot of time thinking about

why and how things work, what I should work on next, how to best accomplish something in the most efficient way possible!

On a typical Friday night I am

not doing much! Movies are fun, otherwise there are countless other (less stereotypical) activities too. I’m not a big partier; I never actually attended a “real” party at the U!!! But I rather like it that way. I’d prefer to spend quality time together instead of going somewhere too crazy.

The most private thing I’m willing to admit

Well….. I’m really not sure. If we get talking back and forth and I feel a connection, I will answer pretty much any question you ask. So just send me a message and get things going! I’ll tell you what you’d like to know.

You should message me if

you have similar interests as I do, are at least mildly religious (definitely Christian, preferably Lutheran), are looking for a long-term relationship, and live in or near the Twin Cities.

If you go to the University of Minnesota, that is awesome and would make things really convenient! But it isn’t a big deal otherwise.

Oh, and you have to be able to put up with sarcasm, computer nerds, and sporadic humming/singing!

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