Katy’s OkCupid

katy okcupid

My self-summary

Hmm…self-summary. I would say I’m first and foremost a Christian. It’s something very important to me, and I live my life according to how Christ wants me to live it. I think I am compassionate, a good listener, a hard-worker, and someone who wants to make a difference in this world. I try to live each day to the fullest. Depending upon who I am around, certain aspects of my personality come out, so it’s hard to describe it. I suppose you could say that I’m quiet but not shy, at first, but once you get to know me pretty well I can be pretty outgoing. I love to laugh, so if you can accomplish that, it’s a major plus šŸ™‚

What Iā€™m doing with my life

I am currently a junior studying to become an RN at the College of St Benedict in St Cloud, MN.

Iā€™m really good at

Music! I absolutely love to sing, anytime, anywhere. I’m in my school’s top choir and like to go out randomly and do karaoke. I would say I am pretty good at my nursing stuff, so if you need any simple medical advice, I’m your girl šŸ™‚ I’m a pretty good writer, which I do all the time to help relieve stress or just to have fun (seems to help out with papers lol). If you want to know more, I guess you will have to get to know me!

The first things people usually notice about me

My hair and eyes. It changes colors during the year and looks different with certain outfits. My eyes are really blue, and if I wear blue, they pop out even more, which is always nice. I also love to laugh, so in a few sentences you will notice that for sure.

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food

My favorite books…that’s a tough question. I love reading, so let’s see…I grew up on Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, so I’m a big fan of those. I like “Catcher in the Rye”, all of Joel Rosenberg’s books, “The Notebook”, “Pride & Prejudice”, “The Client”, “Angel’s and Demons”, and more but I can’t think of them right now. I absolutely love the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy but also enjoy “Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl”, “Inception”, “The Lion King”, “The Proposal”, “The Hangover”, and a ton others. I am not picky with music, but I’m not a fan of heavy, screamo metal or twangy country. I’m not a picky eater, but I love white bean chili, coffee, mexican food, potstickers, pad thai, anything on the grill, and pretty much every fruit you can think of, especially pineapple.

The six things I could never do without

Family, friends, Bible, music, water, journal (with a pen but does that count?)

I spend a lot of time thinking about

the future and what I can (reasonably) do to prepare for it. I mean, it’s not possible to predict it, but I might as well somewhat prepare for it so I’m not in trouble in the future. I also think a lot about my family and how they are doing. I love them very much and want the best for them, and I always make sure to let them know how much I care because I feel like it helps them every day.

On a typical Friday night I am

well, this is an interesting question. It really depends. Sometimes I’m hanging out with people and sometimes I’m stuck doing homework…although homework on a Friday isn’t very common haha.

The most private thing Iā€™m willing to admit

I’d rather not answer this since it is a private thing you know?

You should message me if

you’re interested in getting to know me better.

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